Art Déco Interieur



It should not be standardized furnishings, the Art Déco furniture - and so those furniture were created, which sober cubist designed stood out pleasently in symmetry and classical arrangement from everything that was before.


The internal arrangement of the building should be mirrored to the outside - that was the claim and so there were groups of bronze figures in the garden parallel to the high rooms and their wall reliefs.

Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann (1879-1933): Paris 1925: House of a rich collector. Two views of the salon

Picure source: "Art Déco in Wort und Bild,1903-1940", by Jean-Paul Bouillon

When you get the opportunity to leaf through the book of a rich collector's house furnished by Ruhlmann and encounter the lacquer furniture by Dunand, the pink and blue carpets by Gaudissard, the statuettes and purple brocades, the magnificent fireplace decorations, the tapestries and wall paintings, you have arrived in the world of Art Déco.

Picture source: "Art Déco in Wort und Bild,1903-1940", by Jean-Paul Bouillon

The spaciousness of the high rooms, the representative rooms as well as the central salon, the mostly lateral private rooms as well as the boudoir between bedroom and bathroom were the ideal backdrop for the furnishing in the style of the sophisticated Art Déco.