Ariel glass

A type of glass decoration in which the decoration is created by sandblasting, resulting in air pockets. ( The name harkens back to the trapped air spirit Ariel in Shakespeare's "The Tempest.")


Ariel glass was developed in 1936 by Edvin Öhrström at the Swedish glass manufacturer Orrefors Glasbruk.


A partially automated process for producing glass in which a machine is used to suck the molten glass into a mold to create a vacuum. René Lalique used this process to mass produce glass.

Au pont dit " de Cornély"

A semi-mechanical embroidery technique in which a tightly twisted yarn is attached to a fabric backing. This technique was invented by Ernile Cornély in 1865 and first used in carpet making by Ernest Boiceau in the 1920s.

Au point noué

Hand knotted pile carpet. In France, hand-knotted carpets were manufactured 


were produced until the first half of the 20th century, while in Germany the mass production of hand-knotted carpets had already begun.


A gemstone with a smooth, rounded surface that has been shaped and polished. Cabochons have no facets and are usually opaque or have a special optical effect that is enhanced by polishing. This cut was very popular from ancient times to the 15th century and was revived during the era of Art Nouveau.


Book cover made of cardboard.


Enameling technique in which the surface of a metal object is covered with a network of metal strips or pieces of wire that form cloisons or cells. These are then filled with enamel powder. During firing, the enamel bonds to the metal. It is then sanded and polished to achieve a smooth surface. The metal ridges remain visible and separate the different color cells.

Coquille d'oeuf

Process for producing a white surface decoration. For this purpose, eggshell splinters are inserted into the top coating layer. The labor-intensive process was developed around 1925 by Jean Dunand in order to be able to use white lacquer for the first time. By using the inside and outside of the eggshell splinters and changing the arrangement of the pieces, Dunand was able to produce detailed surface decorations for furniture pieces and paintings.